SITUATED ECOLOGIES gathers art, design and research collaborations to contest and democratise ecologies.

PostDoc Position in “Urban Infrastructures in Transition: The Case of African Cities”

PostDoc Position in “Urban Infrastructures in Transition: The Case of African Cities”

Jochen Monstadt invites applicants to a great PostDoc opportunity at Darmstadt University of Technology at their Graduate Program on “Urban Infrastructures in Transition: The Case of African Cities”. Deadline: July 27, 2014.

New Graduate Program at Darmstadt University of Technology

The Graduate School for Urban Studies (URBANgrad) at Darmstadt University of Technology is currently setting up a new graduate program on urban and infrastructural change in East Africa. This interdisciplinary program is funded by the Hans Böckler Foundation and includes the following academic subjects: Spatial and Infrastructure Planning, Urban Development and Design, History of Technology, and Economic Geography and Global Studies. Within this program we are currently inviting applications for a full-time 3 year PostDoctoral position.

Postdoctoral Position (full-time, 3 years) on African Urban Infrastructures in Transition

The position is planned to begin in October, 2014 in the field of urban and infrastructure planning. The program “Urban Infrastructures in Transition” focuses on developments in the East-African cities of Dar es Salaam and Nairobi. In particular, it highlights the history of and the current challenges posed by urban infrastructures—the supply and use of water, energy, sewerage, telecommunication, and transportation services. Within its framework, researchers critically investigate the tensions between, on the one hand, internationally circulating technological ideals and models in the planning, design and construction of cities (especially those of the networked city) and, on the other hand, local processes of appropriation and modification.


We invite applications from candidates with a completed doctorate in urban/regional planning, geography, political science or a related field of study with excellent academic records, research experience in cities of the Global South and a strong interest for African cities, and who are socially and politically engaged (e.g., in NGOs, university bodies or labor unions). Your previous research activities and your publication record reflect your strong interest and extensive knowledge in the fields of urban studies, urban governance and planning and your strong methodological skills in empirical social research. Knowledge in the fields of social studies of technology and/or postcolonial (urban) studies is desirable for this position. You will be expected to conduct critical research on the urban planning and governance of infrastructure in both cities, publish internationally, and teach within our Ph.D. program, to advise the Ph.D. candidates, to participate in and coordinate the academic activities of the program and to expand and deepen our network with partners from academia, planning practice and labor unions.


We offer an excellent research environment in a motivated, international team at a leading academic institution as well as the possibility for exchange in national and international networks. We encourage you to actively participate at the Darmstadt Research Centre for Urban Studies, the Frankfurt Center for Interdisciplinary African Studies and the networks of the Hans-Böckler Foundation. We offer salary according to the German public service pay scale depending on qualification and experience. Salaries range between 46,000 and 58,000 Euros per year (TV-TU Darmstadt E14). For more information, please refer to:, or contact the program director Jochen Monstadt +49-6151 16 2248;


The TU Darmstadt has an affirmative action program to promote equity in the employment of women, members of underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities. Interested candidates are asked to send their application (in English or German) as an email attachment directly to the following address: Please include (1) a letter of motivation, (2) your CV including information on your political engagement, e.g. in NGOs, labor unions or university bodies, (3.) a 5-8-page first sketch describing your postdoc research project and how it might contribute to our general research program, (4.) transcripts, and (5.) two short samples of recent publications (article and/or dissertation chapter); please merge the documents into one single pdf-file, max. 6 MB. The deadline is July 27, 2014. The job interviews will take place between August, 1-6.


We look forward to receiving your application!

For more discussions, see Commentaries section at SUPE:

Darmstadt Postdoc small

If you join our Google Groups “Situated Urban Political Ecologies (SUPE)” you would have received Jochen’s email directly. Please email Henrik, Jon or Mary to join the SUPE google group email list. 



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