ONE TABLE TWO ELEPHANTS (2018) – free screener & teaching materials
Text by Jacob von Heland and Henrik Ernstson.
Dear educators, learners and filmmakers!
We have made the film “One Table Two Elephants” (84 min) free for use and remixing, except for commercial purposes (CC-BY-NC). We hope it can help to produce good face-to-face and online classes in anthropology, environmental studies, human geography, and urban studies. Below you find a link to the film and links to study materials.
Scholarly reference: Von Heland, Jacob, and Henrik Ernstson (2018) One Table Two Elephants (84 minutes, cinematic ethnography, film, Color, HD, Dolby 5:1). World Premiere In Competition at CPH:DOX March 20, 2018. The Situated Ecologies Platform (CC-BY-NC): Stockholm. Stable URL (Open Access):
Teaching materials
In developing this teaching materials for the film, we like to especially thank Jim Igoe and Paul Munro for using the film in their courses on Indigenous Landscapes/Anthropology and Political Ecology, respectively.
We also like to thank Sachiko Ishihara, Asma Mehan and Ruben Hordijk for engaging critically with the film in their own course work. We have learnt from these scholars and students experiences.
Scholarly reference
Heland, Jacob von, and Henrik Ernstson. 2018. One Table Two Elephants (84 minutes, cinematic ethnography, Color, HD, Dolby 5:1). World Premiere in Competition at CPH:DOX 2018, March 20. Published by The Situated Ecologies Platform (CC-BY-NC). URL: